Book Review- The Ruins of Gorlan #1 (Ranger’s Apprentice series)

Ranger's apprentice 1

Author- John Flanagan

Description- This fantasy/Adventure series about boy finding his role in life after thinking he didn’t belong anywhere.

Review- A young boy named Will at the age of 15 was always small for his age was chosen to be a Ranger’s Apprentice. Rangers were thought to practice magic and be invisible. Will later realizes that Rangers are the protectors of the Kingdom. Will is expected to be highly trained in many different aspects of battle and starts to obtain skills with his bow. There is a large battle growing and Morgarath, Lord of the mountains  will not be denied!

My take on it-  I loved the different character development in this book. I also loved the relationship that was developed between Will and Halt. Will really gets to know himself as he develops skills and feels like he belongs in the world.

Awards-John Flanagan has won the Australian Publishers Association’s Book of the Year for “Older Children and the International Success Award” for Erak’s Ransom

Recommended Grade Level- 6.6 according to Scholastic book

Reviewed by- Kristen Gedeborg, Avid reader and stay at home mom, 2/29/16

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