Be my Valentine

We are having a valentine’s day party with our preschool complete with a valentine exchange and my kiddos are also doing a valentine swap with their friends in playgroup. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on valentines so I decided to make ones that the kids were excited about. I Picked a few that the kids could choose from and then let them decide which ones they liked best.

My son is way into super heroes at the moment, so it didn’t surprise me when he picked super hero suckers for his valentines. He especially loves the Flash! So I photoshopped a flash cape to put onto suckers. and printed it onto color paper. This is how they turned out!

20160208_201852_resized 20160208_201903_resizedMy little girl is super into pink and all things girly and loves suckers too so she picked a sucker butterfly.

20160208_201835_resizedLast is mine. I am doing a teacher type of Valentine. It is a fish inspired and the bags include watermelon sour sharks, sour octopus, and Swedish fish. and the label for the bag says “Thanks for being in our school” with a fishbowl picture on the following side. very punny!
20160208_201940_resized 20160208_201951_resizedI thought these were good valentines for someone on a tight budget and they turned out pretty cute too.

Here are the links to the PDF files of my valentines that I made. Happy Valentines day!

Flash capes
Thanks for being in our school valentine

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