As a kid I remember watching Reading Rainbow and seeing and episode on “The Snowy Day” By Ezra jack Keats. It is a book that to this day triggers my imagination for days when you wake up early, turn on the news and watch the bottom of the screen to see if school has been canceled. deep satisfaction comes when you know that the day is going to be filled with playing in the snow and staying cozy and warm at home with a good book and drinking hot cocoa after playing for hours building snowmen, snow forts and shoveling the sidewalk.
Do you have any epic snow days that you remember? In march of 2003 there was an amazing snow storm. The snow was deep that my Mom who was working at the hospital as management at the time got snowed in and wasn’t able to come home for 3 days. My dad was deployed at the time, leaving us kids at home by ourselves for 3 days. To be clear we were all old enough to cook and take care of ourselves.
We woke up to 5 feet of snow. It was crazy! The drift came up to the top of the back door and we had to clear a small space for our new puppy to go do her business outside. We also built the most epic snow cave out of the snow from shoveling the sidewalk. We also sled from the roof of our house onto the snow pile clear into the backyard. It was amazing. I also remember coming inside burning hot for all the exertion, but still cold. Wet and rosy cheeked drinking hot chocolate with marshmallows and relaxing and watching a movie.

The Snowy Day captures these memories and feeds them back to you and just like Peter you try to keep hold of these memories and preserve them so they don’t melt away like snow.