Royal Target

I recently finished my first modern day, super cheesy, clean romance novel. I loved it! The Author is a Latter-day saint and is actually a former CIA agent (super cool). The Author’s name is Traci Hunter Abramson. She has written quite a few books based on her experiences as a CIA agent. I am borrowing another one of her novels from a friend that is more of an action book and look forward to diving in. I loved Royal Target it was a light hearted book that was easy to turn to after a hard day. For me personally I have a hard time reading anything too heavy if I have had a stressful day. I felt like I could pick up the book and it would take me right back to where we left off. The description of the scenery is wonderful and I also liked how the romance was more in the feelings that the characters had for each other rather than the heat of the moment roll in the hay. Since the main Character is LDS it is very clean and super cute to read. I really enjoyed it. There is a sequel which I have on my shelf but haven’t gotten a chance to read yet, but it is called Royal Secrets. Read it and let me know what you think.Royal Target

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